Gore Street: a lot of positives in power storage

Energy storage projects help to guard against blackouts by boosting the power supply to the grid when necessary
Energy storage projects help to guard against blackouts by boosting the power supply to the grid when necessary

Gore Street Energy Storage
Much like those selling picks and shovels getting rich in a gold rush, rather than the miners themselves, so there are investment funds that believe they are similarly placed in the field of energy infrastructure (Greig Cameron writes).

Gore Street Energy Storage is one. Its focus is not on the consumer-facing front line of the drive to net zero, the smart meters and electric vehicle charging points that will become commonplace over the next decade or so, but on the “picks and shovels” that will make it all possible. In this case, the power that will drive the technological revolution forward.

When it went public more than three years ago, it claimed to be the first renewable energy fund listed in